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PM Viktor Orbán to Meet With Donald Trump Today

Viktor Orbán and Donald Trump in 2022

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will meet later today with former U.S. President (R) Donald Trump, who is currently a presidential candidate.

As it was reported in the press, yesterday, the Prime Minister begun his program in Washington, D.C., and will travel from there to Mar-a-Lago, Florida, where he will be hosted by Mr. Trump at his private estate. The two main topics of the meeting are peacemaking in Europe and restoring bilateral U.S.-Hungarian relations to the level they were during the Trump administration.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on his social media page that the Hungarian delegation is on its way to Florida.

During his stay in Washington, Mr. Orbán participated in a private panel discussion with Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage Foundation, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief, told MTI. Mr. Havasi said that during the discussion, the Prime Minister was asked about the successes and challenges of Hungarian conservative family and economic policy, the war in Ukraine, U.S.-Hungarian relations, President Trump, and his personal political beliefs.

During the conversation, it was stated that

the world needs a movement that fights for justice, tradition, families, and people.”

After the discussion at the Heritage Foundation, Mr. Orbán met with media personality and political strategist Steve Bannon, a former advisor to Donald Trump, at the Hungarian Embassy in Washington.

Speaking to Magyar Nemzet, expert Rajmund Fekete explained that “the Hungarian Prime Minister is on everyone’s radar. Not only those who sympathize with him but also his political opponents. […]

Thanks to the policies of the Hungarian prime minister, Hungary has become a much bigger political power than the size of the country would justify. This is well demonstrated by this meeting.”

The Washington Times also highlighted the significance of the meeting between the two politicians in an article yesterday. It said that the meeting between the two strong leaders could have symbolic significance, as an alliance between the two leaders could halt the advance of the woke ideology on the world stage.

It is important to note that Viktor Orbán and Donald Trump are meeting after the so-called “Super Tuesday”, so since Trump has no challenger left within the Republicans, the meeting is, in fact, a run-up to the presidential election.

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