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ADHD Will Be the Main Theme of the Brain Research Week in Pécs

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) will be the focal point of the Week of Brain Research in Pécs (south-west Hungary), running from March 11 to March 15 at the University of Pécs.

The series of events will kick off on March 11 with a workshop, providing an opportunity for attendees to gain insight into the daily experiences of individuals living with ADHD, led by an experienced special needs teacher. Following this, on March 12, participants can delve into an interactive exploration of nerve cells, exploring the senses of taste, smell, sight, and hearing, alongside 3D brain modeling and anatomical study of the human skull.

On March 13, a roundtable discussion will delve into the potential of AI in diagnosing and managing ADHD, alongside considerations of responsibility and human involvement. The day after there will be a playful jam session, inviting the younger generation to engage with the complexities of the ADHD condition and its interaction with various factors.

Finally, on March 15, a roundtable discussion titled “The Road to Understanding: Exploring the Diversity, Challenges, and Opportunities of ADHD” will tackle themes including the manageability of ADHD. The main questions of the discussions will be challenges of willpower and “laziness,” neurodiversity, and the significance of information and support.

While the programs are free, registration is mandatory. Details of the events, including dates and registration links, can be found on the event website.


The diagnosis of ADHD in Hungary has changed a lot over the past decades. Whereas in the early 2000s it was mainly diagnosed and treated in children, in relation to behavioral problems, during and after the COVID pandemic, an increasing number of  adults were being diagnosed with this condition. Currently, the Semmelweis University of Medicine runs a specialized ADHD center, and several private medical facilities provide diagnosis and treatment. Participants in medicine therapy can access the necessary medication with social security support under the supervision of specialists.

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Via MTI; Featured Image: Pixabay

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