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Croatian Politician Predicts Vindication for Viktor Orbán’s Energy Policy

Mario Radić, vice-president of the Croatian opposition party Homeland Movement (Domovinski pokret), recently said on a political program that Viktor Orbán had been able to get gas and oil even in the midst of the current energy crisis, predicting that people would celebrate him for this.

The Croatian politician criticized the EU’s sanctions policy, saying the European economy had fallen to its knees,, a Croatian news site reported. “We see the European Union as a clever mother who solves our problems. But at the moment, the dollar has beaten the euro, as well as the franc and the yen,” Radić said. He added that he believes that the current EU solutions will not help us at all.

Radić also referred to Viktor Orbán, who acquired gas and oil, which will make him “the hero of the streets in Hungary in six months.” The Croatian politician said that in relation to the war in Ukraine,

one can argue about Viktor Orbán’s politics, whether it is justified or not, but ultimately “one fights for one’s own.”

He added that Croatia should also take into account its own interests and those of its citizens.

Speaking about the current economic situation and fixed prices, he said he would give a reward to anyone who could find a chicken in the shops in a month’s time. He added that they were facing a difficult winter and feared that there would be problems next autumn, including food shortages.

Featured photo: MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Fischer Zoltán

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