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Exiled Leader of Ukrainian-Hungarians Received by President Novák

On Wednesday, President of the Republic of Hungary Katalin Novák received László Brenzovics, President of the Hungarian Cultural Association of Transcarpathia (KMKSZ), at her Sándor Palace residence.

After the meeting, László Brenzovics told public media that the situation of the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia were also discussed during the meeting with the President of the Republic. He stressed that they are suffering greatly because of the war and are facing an extremely difficult winter, so they will need support and solidarity for a long time to come.
He thanked Katalin Novák for her solidarity and support and for her attention to the Hungarian people of Transcarpathia. He recalled that during the war in Ukraine, Hungary had one of the largest humanitarian programs in the country, and that the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia had received a lot of support.

Photo: MTI/Bruzák Noémi

Transcarpathia is far from the front line, but the economic crisis, power cuts and air raids are also affecting the lives of Hungarians in Transcarpathia,” said Mr Brenzovics. He added that the Hungarian government’s support extends to all areas of life, helping doctors and teachers working there, infrastructure investments, public institutions, as well as medicine and food. Without it, the situation of the people living there would be much worse, he said.

The leader of the KMKSZ was forced to flee his homeland after a series of death threats from Ukrainian nationalists against his person and against the Hungarian minority. He has faced harassment from the Ukrainian authorities, such as the Ukrainian intelligence services (SBU) because of his criticism of the language laws that severely restrict the rights of the Hungarian minority in the country.

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Featured photo: MTI/Bruzák Noémi

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