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Hungary-Israel Alliance is Unshakeable, President Katalin Novák Says

On the second day of her visit to Jerusalem, President Katalin Novák met with Israel’s President Isaac Herzog, Acting Prime Minister Yair Lapid, and Prime Minister-elect Benjamin Netanyahu too.

Hungarian President Katalin Novák met with her Israeli counterpart, Isaac Herzog in Jerusalem on Thursday. „The alliance of Hungary and Israel is unshakable. Hungary has always stood up for Israel in the international community, and I reassured President Isaac Herzog that Israel can count on Hungary’s continued support in the future as well,” Novák wrote on Facebook after the meeting.

„Hungary has the third largest Jewish community in Europe, and we Hungarians are proud of it. The Jewish people and Jewish culture are experiencing a renaissance in Hungary today,”

she highlighted.

Referring to the war in Ukraine, she said that security is in the interest of every nation, and every nation has a right to its own security. „The Israeli and Hungarian people also know this very well, as they experience it first-hand,” Novák added.

Following the presidential meeting, Katalin Novák held talks with Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu.

Meetings with Acting Prime Minister Yair Lapid and representatives of Christian denominations in Jerusalem are also Katalin Novák’s agenda for Thursday.

On Wednesday, Novák visited the Yad Vashem Institute, the Holocaust Memorial Centre in Jerusalem.

„Yad Vashem helps us to remember so that we will never forget the darkest era in history. The fight against antisemitism must be fought over and over again,”

she wrote on Facebook.

During the visit, the president also inspected the operation of Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system with Defense Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky

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Featured photo via Facebook/Novák Katalin

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