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Minister Péter Szijjártó Reacts To Donald Trump’s Victory in U.S. Primaries

The “master plan” of the liberal mainstream has failed in the United States, thus making it impossible to exclude Donald Trump from the primary elections, as stated by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó.

During a joint press conference with his Bosnian counterpart Elmedin Konaković, Minister Szijjártó applauded the failure of the liberal mainstream’s plan to eliminate the Republican candidate from the race entirely. He emphasized that the Democrats will now have to face Donald Trump in a democratic contest following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision. “I believe this is a crucial victory for the rule of law. I also found it regrettable that there were no statements from Brussels regarding the extent to which the rule of law and European values — that we consider universal — were compromised by the fact that in some U.S. states, officials could decide who could participate in the primaries or the presidential election itself,” he remarked.

Nevertheless, this is an internal matter for Americans to resolve. However, it is certain that we have always respected the decisions of citizens of other countries regarding the selection of their leaders. This principle certainly applies to the United States,”

Mr. Szijjártó added.

Péter Szijjártó (R) and Elmedin Konaković (L). Photo: MTI / Máthé Zoltán

The Minister also observed that politics is a realm of experience, noting that relations between the two countries were at their peak during Donald Trump’s term in office. “We aspire to witness the strongest possible political relations between the United States and Hungary once again. Over the past four years, we have been open to this goal, but unfortunately, similar intentions were not reciprocated from across the ocean. However, we understood and respected that, navigating this aspect of our foreign policy accordingly,” he stated.

Clearly, it is in our interest to create conditions that will elevate U.S.-Hungarian relations to unprecedented levels. I believe the key to achieving this lies in the re-election of Donald Trump,”

Minister Szijjártó noted.

Addressing a question regarding EU funds allocated to Ukraine, Péter Szijjártó emphasized that every European taxpayer has the right to know how their money is utilized. “We have consistently advocated for transparency whenever the EU decides to offer financial support to Ukraine,” he explained.

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