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Reports of an Orbán-Trump Meeting Surface

There could be a new meeting planned between the Hungarian Prime Minister and former U.S. President Donald Trump in just over a week’s time, financial news portal Bloomberg reports.

According to the U.S. news outlet, the two leaders could meet as early as March 8. in Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. The rumors have not been confirmed by official sources yet, Bloomberg only quoted a “person familiar with the plans who spoke on condition of anonymity”.

Photo: Facebook Orbán Viktor

If the meeting comes true though, this would send a strong signal to European leaders regarding the nature of alliances and policies the United States might pursue with its European partners should Donald Trump be elected President later this years. Top European Union officials fear that with a Republican in the White House they would lose an important ally in pursuing left-wing policies such as open borders and LGBTQ ideology in Europe. A Trump victory could also see a boost for national conservativism in the EU that emphasizes sovereignty, family policies and Christian values, as championed by the government in Budapest.

There have not been any top level bilateral meetings between the White House and the Hungarian government since Joe Biden becoming President in 2021. This despite the fact that Joe Biden did visit Hungary in the 1970s, spending part of his honeymoon at Lake Balaton. Current Secretary of State Antony Blinken also served as a U.S. Ambassador in Hungary in the 1990s, and has Hungarian roots. Neither did the U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris visit Hungary, nor was there an invitation extended towards Hungarian top officials from the White House.

Currently Donald Trump leads Joe Biden in the polls by some six points. Viktor Orbán and Donald Trump have met several times in the past, both privately as well as in the White House, and are considered close allies.

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Via Bloomberg; Featured Image: Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Benko Vivien Cher

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