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Slovak PM Takes Note of Viktor Orbán’s National Policies

In an interview with Slovak news site Pravda, Robert Fico praised Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s policies and approach to national sovereignty.

I have been watching Viktor Orbán fight for the Hungarian national interest with great respect. Hats off to him.

He has his own style of working, he has his own interests as a nation state, and it is his government that decides what is good or not good for the country,” the Slovak Prime Minister said.

Asked about the failure of price controls in Hungary, he said:

“It is unfortunate to automatically cite another country as an example of bad practice. If mistakes like the ones described by the Slovak media in relation to Hungary were made, how is it possible that Viktor Orbán is still treating this in a sovereign way? He has the full support of the Hungarian nation because the Hungarian people see that he is fighting for them.”

On “bad decisions,” he said that although they sometimes happen, it does not mean that Orbán’s policies are a dead end.

If they were, he (Mr. Orbán) would not be prime minister of Hungary,” he concluded.

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Via Pravda; Featured Image: Facebook / Robert Fico

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