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The Washington Times: The World Needs a Trump and Orbán Alliance

In a March 5th Washington Times article, Bryan E. Leib, CEO of Henry PR and a guest researcher at the Center for Fundamental Rights, gave his views on the forthcoming meeting of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and American President (Rep.) Donald Trump.

According to the author, Mr. Trump and Mr. Orbán share the same positions on family values, religious freedom, social policies, and the (un)financing of never-ending wars. He writes that a future alliance between the two politicians could halt the advance of the woke ideologies on the world political stage.

Returning to their shared values, Mr. Leib highlights the key idea:

at the core of their political personalities is a commitment to put the interests of their countries and their citizens first.”

They both represent political outsiders fighting against a corrupt system. For this very position, they have won the attention of both their admirers and their critics.

As a further similarity, Trump and Orbán communicate a similar, constant message (“America First!” and “For Us Hungary is the First!“, as well as “Peace Through Strength”). Regarding their slogans, Trump’s covers a unilateral approach to foreign policy, characterized by protectionist trade measures and skepticism about multilateral agreements, while Mr. Orbán’s is about the preservation of Hungarian culture and values against external threats such as migration and globalization.

Both leaders were elected at politically turbulent times. The author of the article believes the circumstances of their elections are reflected in their policies, as described above.

At the end of his article, Mr. Leib explains that he believes that a future Orbán-Trump alliance would be supported by many conservative politicians and leaders from around the world.

As an example, he mentions Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel), Giorgia Meloni (Italy), Geert Wilders (The Netherlands), or the recently elected President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, known for his successful actions to eradicate organized crime.

Finally, he adds that such an emerging conservative alliance working together could restore traditional values.

Prime Minister Orbán has already arrived to the United States, specifically to Washington D.C. He will meet Trump at his private estate in Florida.


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