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Understanding Viktor Orbán’s Perspectives on EU Policy and Ukraine

On February 15, Die Presse launched a new English-language debate magazine, European Voices, published in cooperation with the Austrian Council of Foreign Relations and the United Nations. For the first issue, former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel traveled to Budapest for an in-depth interview with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, reports Magyar Nemzet.

During the debate, Viktor Orbán explained his opposition to Ukraine’s accession to the EU and discussed why the neighboring country cannot join NATO. He also outlined his ideas on Brussels and EU policies. In the interview Mr. Orbán stated:

For a long time, I did not expect it. But I was in Moscow two weeks before the war broke out, and I had a feeling that an invasion was possible.”

He added that he reported his impressions to the NATO Secretary General, expressing concern over the potential conflict with Ukraine. The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of negotiating Ukraine’s future membership of NATO to avoid confrontation with Russia.

Mr. Orbán also stated that Ukraine’s presence on the geopolitical map is inevitable, regardless of world politics’ opinions. He expressed his belief that Russia will repeatedly target Ukraine to prevent its EU and NATO membership.

Mr. Schüssel argued that if Ukraine agreed to a ceasefire and peace talks, it would effectively be conceding defeat. Viktor Orbán countered by stating that Russia would never recognize Ukraine as a negotiating partner.

He emphasized the importance of strength in negotiations, suggesting that the EU was not strong enough to handle the situation.

The discussion also touched on EU policy. The Prime Minister suggested that EU member states could consider returning to a system where MEPs were not directly elected but delegated by national parliaments. He also discussed the Hungarian EU presidency, emphasizing the need to improve the EU’s competitiveness and prioritize Balkan integration.

Regarding Ukraine’s EU membership, Mr. Orbán stressed that the opening of accession negotiations was of purely political significance, as Ukraine would never become an EU member state.

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Via Magyar Nemzet; Featured Image: Facebook / Orbán Viktor

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