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Viktor Orbán Meets Influential US Think Tank’s Delegation

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received a delegation from the US Heritage Foundation at the Carmelite Monastery on Tuesday, Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister’s press chief, told MTI. 

He added that the foundation, led by President Kevin Roberts, is now the most influential public and foreign policy research institute on the American conservative side.

Judit Varga, Minister of Justice, and Balázs Orbán, the Prime Minister’s Political Director, also took part in the discussion.

They agreed that Hungary is one of the most criticized countries in international politics today, because Hungarians are explicitly opposed to left-wing ideology. From a political and governance point of view, Hungary has chosen a specific national path, which has led to political and economic successes in recent years, Havasi quoted the discussion.

“Conservatives should not be afraid of fighting a culture war and should not give up traditional values such as sovereignty, faith, work and family,” the press chief added.

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Featured photo via Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Fischer Zoltán

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