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Viktor Orbán Wishes Success to Spain’s VOX Party

Participants of the VIVA 22 festival organized by the VOX party in Madrid received a message of support from Viktor Orbán.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán greeted the participants of the Spanish VIVA 22 festival in a video message this weekend. The major political and cultural festival was held in Madrid and is organized annually by the right-wing VOX party, a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists and an ally of Hungary’s governing Fidesz party.

“It is a good tradition to gather every year under the Spanish national flag. We also do it regularly in Hungary, because it is good for our hearts and souls, and it gives progressive globalists heart attacks,” the Prime Minister said in the video, adding that “such an occasion is an excellent opportunity to discuss the greatest challenges of the period ahead.”

“It is still true that we cannot give up our national interests, that we must continue to defend our traditions and our sovereignty against the Brussels bureaucrats,”

he stressed.

“We cannot allow millions of immigrants to rush across the EU Member States. We must stand up for our traditions, our cultures, and defend our children and families against globalist ideologies,” he told the participants. “This fight will be our common fight in the future,” Orbán stressed and wished success to VOX and its president, Santiago Abascal.

Former US President Donald Trump, and Giorgia Meloni, President of the Brothers of Italy party that recently won the Italian elections, also greeted the festival in video messages. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki attended the event in person.

Relations between Fidesz and VOX have been gradually strengthening since Hungary’s governing party left the European People’s Party last spring. Viktor Orbán received Santiago Abascal in Budapest two times (in May and in November) last year and the Hungarian Prime Minister attended the summit of conservative leaders in Madrid in January this year. VOX MEPs in the European Parliament regularly address the debates about Hungary in support of the government.

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Featured photo via Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Benko Vivien Cher

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