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Visegrád Group Has Proven Its Ability to Work Together

After more than a year and a half, the presidents of the Visegrád Group met again in Bratislava on Tuesday.

The Visegrád Group is at least as important, if not more, than the Benelux countries, but it would be good to expand it to include Slovenia, Czech President Milos Zeman said at a joint press conference after Tuesday’s Visegrád summit.

The Visegrád Group has already proven that it can work together, including in the fight against illegal immigration, he stressed.

The Czech president also underlined the importance of the joint resolution in which the V4 presidents warned against triggering a nuclear conflict.

We must avoid being the last heads of state before the Third World War,

Zeman warned.

Slovak President Zuzana Caputová described the Visegrád summit as an important meeting in an exceptional situation, where constructive dialogue was achieved despite differences on certain issues.

She stressed that it was important that there was agreement on the war in Ukraine, on the need for peace, and that everyone condemned Russian missile attacks on civilian targets in Ukraine, which Caputová called a violation of international law.

Polish President Andrzej Duda said the risks of the war in Ukraine are enormous. He said the threat of nuclear weapons has become a reality.

He said it must be made clear that Russia would cross all borders and fall into total isolation if it used nuclear weapons. Russian aggression should not be allowed to spread to the Visegrád countries, he said.

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Visegrád Four Want Long-term Peace in Europe, President Novák Assures

The V4 heads of state condem the recent Russian attacks on civilians.Continue reading

Hungarian President Katalin Novák stressed that these four countries – the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary – form the center of modern Central Europe.

The goal of the Visegrád Group is to achieve a just peace as soon as possible and to ensure that Europe remains an island of peace, she added.

via, Featured photo: Noémi Bruzák/MTI

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